Un robot encuentra muerto al buzo desaparecido en aguas de Cádiz


GEAS doing rescue
GEAS doing rescue

A professional diver who was diving, on January 5, in the waters of the town of San Roque (Spain) has been found dead, after 9 days disappeared, by the Special Group of Underwater Activities of the Civil Guard.

This specialized group of the Benemérita has had to use  underwater robots  to be able to locate and recover the lifeless body of this professional of underwater activities. These types of robots are used to track underwater bottoms at great depths, increasing search time and effectiveness.

In addition to the state security forces, in this case the Civil Guard, once again  the great family of lovers of the underwater world have once again become an example of solidarity and unity , incorporating several professional companies of underwater activities in the area ( Submarine Works of the Strait, ESGEMAR, Instalsub and RESOLVE), among which were friends of the deceased diver, to help in the search for his missing companion.

Several companies of underwater activities in the area joined the search for their partner’s body

The  search  for this diver has been  complicated , having to be suspended several times during the 9 days in which he has remained missing,  due to the adverse weather conditions  that the Strait of Gibraltar area has had.

Once located the body of the diver, who was at a depth of 80 meters and in the same area where he made his last dive on January 5, he was transferred to the Forensic Medical Institute where he performed the autopsy confirming the cause of His death, as well as his identity.


GEAS’s commitment to diving professionals

Once again, the  Spanish emergency services have demonstrated their professionalism and empathy  with loved ones, in this case the disappeared diver, investing the time and energy that has been necessary until they have been able to locate the deceased. An anonymous and unparalleled work for these teams that are always operational to help anyone who is at sea with problems.

SOURCE: Nautica News Day

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